CTS Lite

Storage Device Power Efficiency Measurement

Storage Device Level Test

CTS Lite

CTS Lite is a single seat, air-gapped, annual license for CTS Lite Emerald power efficiency measurement test software. CTS Lite Emerald annual version tests are maintained over time for download, re test & comparison.

Storage Device

CST Lite is designed to test logical storage devices at the system and block IO levels. CTS Lite is a self contained single Power Efficiency test that is required under the SNIA SDLPEM (Storage Device Level Power Efficiency Measurement) specification.

Power Efficiency

CTS Lite measures the power efficiency of storage devices expressed in IOPS/W and MB/s/W while running industry standard Emerald workloads. Third party power meter data is automatically imported and aggregated with CTS Lite performance data.

SNIA Emerald

The SNIA Emerald specification sets forth the requirements for power efficiency measurement of datacenter system level storage. The Emerald 4.0 tests have been incorporated into ISO 24091 which is used by the US EPA, EU Lot 9 and the Japan Top Runner specifications. The new Emerald 5.0 will include the requirement to use CTS Lite for system level power efficiency measurement of block IO LUNS.


The SNIA SDLPEM (Storage Device Level Power Efficiency Measurement) specification focuses on the block level measurement of individual storage devices. CTS Lite is the workload generator and software specified in the SDLPEM v1.0. SDLPEM power efficiency measurement focuses on capturing power consumption at the individual drive level.

SNIA White Paper

Download the SNIA Green Storage Initiative White Paper on Storage Device Level Power Efficiency Measurement. The White Paper discusses test methodology, test harness, tests, software tools and reporting of individual storage device power efficiency measurement.

CTS Lite Beta Trial

CTS Lite is the required test software for the SNIA Storage Device Level Power Efficiency Measurement Specification.

Sign up for a Beta trial version.